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Most Common Siding Option for Homeowners
As a homeowner, you are tasked with the need for notching siding materials up your home. Considerably, your initial housing priorities would certainly revolve around the exteriors of your home.
As regards the exterior part of your home, there are some siding choices you’d have to make. Now, when you’re looking to installing sidings on the exterior part of your home, there are numerous factors that come into play.
These factors span across climate change, cost of maintenance, your budget, durability, beauty and a host of other factors. You would certainly have a list of requirements you want your siding option to meet. In this regard, we’ve narrowed down the most common siding choices made by homeowners and we are going to be discussing them in the light of their good and bad features.
Vinyl Siding

This siding is quite common due to its ease of installation and maintenance plus it is budget friendly. Vinyl siding material comes in a variety of design and color options. If you’re looking to remodel the exterior part of your home at an affordable cost then vinyl siding is an option you should consider. If you choose to reinstall new vinyl siding, it can be done with removing the existing siding. Most homeowners opt for this siding option due to its tempting cost advantages.
However, the downside to this type of siding is that you get to install new siding if you have a new color preference as it doesn’t look good if it’s repainted. Plus if it is installed wrongly, your home may be vulnerable to leaks during rainy seasons.
Wood Siding

This is a classic choice of siding preferable to most homeowners as it has an aesthetic appeal. It can be installed easily plus you have the option of repainting it as many times as you like as it can be polished. However, to keep it durable, you’d have to treat it to keep it from rotting and this invariably ups the cost of maintenance. It doesn’t also handle fire well and this makes it an unwise choice in wildfire regions. You should also take note of the price variances as different wood species come at different costs.
Fiber-cement Siding

This siding is a combination of wood fibers, cement, and sand. The fiber-cement siding gives homeowners the wood appeal. On the plus side, it stands above any drawbacks susceptible to wood siding. It is fire-resistant and isn’t vulnerable to insect infestation and rot. It also saves you some long-run expenses as it doesn’t need to be painted as often as the wood siding.
Fiber-cement siding is a blend of beauty, quality, and durability. In this same vein, the best siding brand to opt for would be the James Hardie fiber-cement siding. James Hardie also offers off-the-charts installation services as well as remodeling, rebuilding, and home design services.
Why James Hardie Siding is best for you
You would certainly want to hire a siding contractor that has your best interest at heart. James Hardie siding company understands that most homeowners are on the lookout for unique design options, you’d also get a wide range of options to pick from within the confines of your budget.